Partners in online safety

Since COVID-19 forced us to close our school doors, many of our students are spending more and more time online. Whether our students are engaged in distance learning classes, connecting with friends, or using technology as a way of entertainment, the number of hours they spend online has significantly increased. Of course with this increase, comes a rise in concerns for the safety of our students and their data. We also have concerns for the security of the business and administrative files that are shared while we work remotely.

Prior to this pandemic, Wakefield School, partnered with Teneo, Inc., specialist integrators of next-generation technology, to implement the best technology and services needed to keep our students, faculty, administration, and data safe and secure on our campus.

In more recent times, with the closing of not only our school doors, but also our secure online environment, Wakefield School has partnered again with Teneo to put a plan in place to reduce risk factors. Their Palo Alto GlobalProtect technology and services allow our business office to operate remotely through a secure VPN. This means that we can continue to ensure the privacy of our data as we share documents and files and keep our school running from our homes.

While the online safety of our students continues to be a worry for me, Teneo is working with us to find ways to protect our students while they are learning remotely. Keeping our students and data safe online remains a top priority to school administrators, whether we are on-campus or providing distance learning. Wakefield School is grateful for the continued partnership with companies such as Teneo that allow us to offer a safer learning environment, no matter the location.

Please see the link if you are interested in more detail about our solutions.