Branding Our Remote Learning and Connecting Our Community at Cincinnati Country Day School

During the pandemic crisis, Cincinnati Country Day School made the early decision to separate the roll-out of our remote learning program from the crisis itself. We simply wanted to connect our students to their learning while connecting our people to each other – students, teachers, staff, parents, alumni, and others alike.

In doing so, we created an extension of our school brand, mission, and new daily operations that reaches far beyond teaching and learning. The introduction of the Country Day ConnectEd brand from our website states:

Student-to-teacher or video conference, online or on-campus, remote or hands-on, learning can take many forms. But to find both academic and personal success, we must be “connected” to learning and to each other.

As we begin to balance home, work, and family life during these difficult times, each of us will need to find new and different ways of interacting with those who mean the most. So, thank you in advance for your help and support as we settle into a new normal. We will navigate the path ahead, and we will do it masterfully as we are stronger together. We are Country Day.

The Country Day ConnectEd brand is now displayed in the main navigation of our website, used by our school as an umbrella term for all of our remote (or online, digital, video, etc.) resources, and is prominent in our print, web, and social media platforms. Country Day ConnectEd has become larger than just remote learning – it’s now become the vehicle for keeping us connecting us as a community.