Grade Level
Remote Learning at WCDS
On Friday, March 13, 2020, our school was abruptly closed, as were all other schools in the states of West Virginia and Ohio. Thankfully, we had just returned from Spring Break, and before that the NAISAC in Philadelphia, so we had been discussing the ramifications of COVID-19 for weeks leading up to the closure. Upon […]
Tiger Live
We created a distance learning web page that serves as an entry point into the school learning area for students, an information hub that is updated daily, and a resource center.
Wellness Connection for Faculty and Staff
Staying connected as a faculty/staff and encouraging self-care practices such as exercise, mindfulness, going outside, yoga, etc. See google doc for email sent to faculty and staff to sign-up for the Wellness Connection as we work safe from home.
Maintaining Community Investment with Weekly Distance Learning Update Videos
When we found ourselves launching a new Distance Learning Program at the International School of the Peninsula in a very short period of time, we knew there would be a period of learning and adjustment for our students, teachers, and families. To educate our parents about the evolution of our Distance Learning Program and cultivate […]
Quick Tips to engage with your community
Laura Day, from Hockaday School, shares 4 quick tips on how your students can remain engaged with their community while in isolation
LDV Goes On! Virtually
LDV (La Dolce Vita) Goes On proved to be an amazing example of how our La Scuola community can come together to ensure the successful outcomes of all our students and families. We invited our entire database to join us for our annual gala, virtually – via Zoom Webinar.
The Financial Future of Independent Schools
Rethink models and what is possible, not what was.
Greensboro Day School Distance Learning Handbook
The Distance Learning Handbook keeps our faculty aligned and communicates what we are doing to the greater community. The google doc link will include updates as we make them and the pdf is as of March 20, 2020.
“Shine On, Dragons!”
Thank you/we miss you video to our school families at the end of the first week of Remote Learning. It has received an incredible response on social media.
Flattening the Learning Curve
We keep hearing about the importance of flattening the curve of the COVID-19 outbreak. For those of us who work in academia, we have seen another curve begin to flatten since the pandemic has forced us to make sudden shifts to digital teaching and learning. The learning curve, when it comes to faculty, staff, students, […]
Lower School Back to Virtual School Message for Parents
Outreach to lower school parent community about the why’s and how’s of virtual programming, and a pep talk encouraging parents to stay strong during this crisis.
Resources for Remote Hiring for Schools
This guide is a summary of how Avenues approaches interviewing and hiring at a distance. We’re sharing it in hopes that these ideas and materials can support other schools to keep hiring well during these challenging times. Find us on Twitter: @Avenues_org