About Sharing Solutions
What is Sharing Solutions?
Sharing Solutions is a collection of strategies, samples, stories, and solutions that can help independent school professionals as they face uncertain times brought on by the coronavirus crisis. These resources are submitted by independent school teachers, administrators, and leaders. The goal of Sharing Solutions is to be a repository that is easy to access and easy to contribute to.
NAIS Connect Online Communities and Sharing Solutions are linked in their support of your work. Connect is built for ongoing virtual discussions with your peers and Sharing Solutions is a place to browse and share practical samples and plans. While most active communities in Connect are open only to NAIS members, Sharing Solutions is open to all schools.
Submitting Stories
Who can submit solutions?
Any individual in the school community may post or view a solution on Sharing Solutions. The submitter’s school name (or organization name) appears on the solution, along with city, state, grade levels served, and region. NAIS will maintain the contact name and email to reach out, if necessary.
How often can I submit solutions?
There is no limit to how often you can submit solutions.
What types of ‘solutions” should I submit?
Here are examples of the types of content we are hoping for in each category.
Evolve Distance Learning
Sample digital learning plans
Sample class material
Tips for engaging students in a virtual/online environment
Technical tips and tricks
Ideas about assessment
Manage Risk
Sample risk management plans and matrices
Sample crisis team structures
Sample crisis team “tabletop” exercises
Sample policies
Sustain Fundraising
Ideas for moving advancement events to virtual
Sample donor communication
Sample plans for adjusting fundraising approach in times of crisis
Rethink Operations
Ideas for adjusting HR policies
Sample policies
Care for Community
Ideas for addressing isolation among students
Ideas for creating virtual communities for families
Lead and Govern in Crisis
Decision-making matrix
Strategies for boards during a crisis
Sample succession plans
Strengthen Enrollment
Ideas for adjusting enrollment plans and projections
Sample communication with current families
Sample communication with prospective families
Ideas for transitioning admission events to virtual
Considerations for changes to enrollment contracts
Lead Virtual Workforce
Sample policies such as teleworking, other HR considerations
Ideas for maintaining community in a virtual setting
Technical tips and tricks
Can I edit or delete a post I have already submitted?
Once you press submit on your solution, it will be reviewed by NAIS staff to ensure it abides to our guidelines. Your work will not be edited, so please review your post carefully. If it is critical that your solution be removed or changed, please email us at sharingsolutions@nais.org and we will attempt to remove or change it as soon as possible.
Why is my solution not showing up? Is content reviewed before being published?
Sharing Solutions is an open forum. However, per the Sharing Solutions Terms of Service, NAIS will review all content that is submitted to screen out content that is not appropriate, not relevant, or commercial/promotional in nature. Content is not published until it has been reviewed. However, each individual user is ultimately responsible for the content of their submissions, and NAIS cannot guarantee the quality, appropriateness, or accuracy of all user submissions.
If you have specific questions, please contact us at sharingsolutions@nais.org.
What formats can I post?
Sharing Solutions will support a variety of formats. For Word and Excel documents or Powerpoint slides, we ask that you create a PDF for posting or upload them to Google Docs, Sheets, or Slides.
Posting Videos and Pictures
What size should my photos be to post?
For optimal results, we recommend that you upload a JPG or PNG photo that is landscape in orientation, sized to 660 pixels by 440 pixels. Images can be no larger than 1 MB each. Sharing Solutions will accept photos that are not of those dimensions, but these dimensions will render best.
What formats of photos may I post?
We recommend you post a JPG/JPEG image for the best visual quality. However, Sharing Solutions will also accept PNG or GIF files.
Why can’t I upload my video?
We do not accept video files for upload. You should upload your video to YouTube or Vimeo, then enter the URL for the video on the submission form.